Sign Up / Register Is sign up
/ registration required?
to sign up / register if you're a Plan Sponsor
a Password / Password tips
How to
add additional users
How to Log
to do if you forget your User ID
to do if you forget your Password
your account become inactive
Technical Support
a Browser
must be enabled on your browser to use our site
Maintenance Times
Who can
access my plan information
How to
contact Voya
Sign Up
/ Register
Is sign up / registration
Yes. In order to access your organization's retirement
plan information online, you must first sign up /
register with us. It's a one-time process that only
takes a few minutes of your time.
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How to
sign up / register if you’re a Plan Sponsor
Step 1 - Starting the Registration
Contact the plan administrator at your
organization to begin the registration process.
If you are the plan''s administrator, or if there
is no designated plan administrator at your
organization, please contact your Voya Plan Manager
in order to register.
Step 2 - You will receive 2
registration e-mails
The first email will contain the link to use to
start the registration process.
The second email will contain your PIN. The PIN
is needed to complete the registration process.
Step 3 - Enter PIN
Click on the link in the first registration
email, enter your PIN and click Continue.
Step 4 - Create Login information
Your User ID must be at least 6 characters in
Your Password must be at least 8 characters in
length, must contain 3 of the following 4
characteristics: upper case, lower case, numeric
or symbol (/>$#@), and is case-sensitive. (See
Choosing a Password / Password Tips).
Select a multifactor authentication method - either through Google Authenticator, or provide a mobile number
or email address to receive a verification code.
Register your computer or device so that you do
not have have to use Google Authenticator or receive and enter a verification code
the next time you attempt to log in from that
computer or device.
Step 5 - Confirmation
You will then receive confirmation (both
on-screen and via email) that your registration
has been successfully completed.
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Choosing a
Password / Password Tips
Having a secure password is especially important in
order to keep your information confidential. The
following requirements and tips help ensure that your
password is not compromised:
Your Password
must at least 8 characters in
Your Password
must contain three of the following
four characteristics: Upper Case, Lower Case, Numeric
or Symbol (/>$#@).
Your Password is case sensitive.
Do not share your password with anyone.
- Change your password frequently, especially whenever
you suspect that it is no longer confidential.
- Do not use common words within your password. For
example, do not select names of actors, famous
musicians, characters in literature or other popular
people, places or things for your password.
- Do not base your password on personal information
that is publicly available.
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How to add
additional users
To add another user at your organization, the new
user must contact the Voya plan’s administrator
at your organization to start the registration
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How to Log In
Once you have registered, enter your User ID and
Password on the Welcome / Log In screen and click GO.
If you are logging in from an unregistered computer or
device, you will have to receive and enter a verification code.
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What to
do if you forget your User ID
If you've already registered and forgotten your User
ID, complete the following steps:
Click on "Forgot your User ID" on the Welcome /
Log-In screen.
- Enter your email address and first/last name.
- You will receive an e-mail that contains your User
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What to do
if you forget your Password
In the event that you forget your Password, complete
the following steps:
- Click on "Forgot your password" on the Welcome /
Log-In screen.
- Enter your User ID.
- Enter your verification code.
Select a new password and re-enter it for
verification. Click Submit.
- You will then receive confirmation (both on-screen
and via e-mail) that your password has been
successfully changed.
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your account become inactive
Yes. Your account will become locked after 365 days
of inactivity. To un-lock your account, complete the
following steps:
- Enter your User ID and Password on the Welcome /
Log-In screen. You will then be directed to the
Change Password process.
- Enter your User ID.
- Enter your verification code.
- Select a new password and re-enter it for
verification. Click Submit.
- You will then receive confirmation (both on-screen
and via e-mail) that your password has been
successfully changed.
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- Be sure you are using the new User ID that was
created during sign up / registration.
- Make sure your Password is being entered correctly.
It is important to note that your Password is
- After three unsuccessful attempts to log into the
service, you will receive a Log In Error Page. In
order to continue with the login process, you must
enter your verification code to reset your
Try clearing the cache in your browser Options.
If you have multiple browser windows open when
encountering your login problem, try closing them,
re-open one browser window and try to log in again.
Please note: When making any changes to
your browser settings, it is recommended that you
restart your computer.
In addition, pay special attention to any special
messaging that the web site displays. Carefully
read this information. It will assist you with
proceeding through the Site.
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a Browser
The site is best viewed by the following browsers:
Click here for supported browsers.
Voya supports most current internet browser versions,
including one release back. When using older browsers,
you may experience technical problems. Please upgrade
if possible.
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Cookies must be
enabled on your browser to use our site
Cookies are required to access our website and must be
enabled in your browser. A "cookie" is an element of
data that a website can send to your browser when you
link to that website. It is not a computer program and
has no ability to read data residing on your computer
or instruct it to perform any step or function.
Our policy is not to store any personal information
obtained by cookies. Our site uses only "transient
cookies" - a cookie that resides only in the memory of
the computer. When the browser is closed or the
machine is turned off, that cookie disappears forever.
When you log into the Sponsor site, you may receive a
notice that the server wishes to set a cookie. If you
say "no", you will not be able to enter the site
because the system will not be able to identify you.
If you say "yes", you will be allowed to enter the
site and your information will appear.
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Maintenance Times
The Sponsor Website will be unavailable due to routine
systems maintenance on Sundays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00
a.m. EST.
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Page Orientation
Sometimes information can be cut off when printing.
This can happen when the Web page you are viewing is
too large for your browser to print with its default
setting. To print the entire page, change your
printer setting from Portrait to Landscape. Landscape
and Portrait are orientations for printing. Landscape
is a horizontal page orientation giving you a wider
page and Portrait is a vertical page orientation
giving you a longer page.
Print Preview
The Print Preview feature in most browsers allows you
to preview a page before you actually print it.
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Who can access
my plan information
Voya uses a secured server. Access to your plan
information is limited to you, your retirement
partners here at Voya, and potentially to other
authorized parties at your organization.
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How to contact
If you would like to ask us a question or give us
feedback, click on the Contact Us link found at the
top of each page. Enter your question or comments and
click "Submit". Your question will be reviewed and
acted upon as soon as possible.
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